Enjoying Barcelona Weekends

After 3 weekend trips in a row, I was very happy to get to stay in Barcelona this weekend. These relaxing weekends have become my favorite and it always makes me realize how much I love my city. There’s so much to do, the weather is beautiful, and there’s always something new to discover here.

On Friday, I finally caught up on sleep and decided to check out a new café in Gracia. The Gracia neighborhood instantly became my favorite because of its countless cute cafes, charming stores, and eclectic restaurants. Plazas fill the neighborhood, where people come to sit, chat, and enjoy the sunshine.

I caught up on writing my blogs while enjoying some iced coffee (very difficult to find here!). I then walked around Gracia, taking time to people watch and make mental notes of all the restaurants I wanted to try. I ran into the plaza where I remember Austin and I hanging out in for a while a year before when I visited. It’s very weird to see these some of the Barcelona sights a year later and realize how much I’ve grown since feeling lost in the city a year before.


Saturday was another day of exploring Barcelona. My friend Madison and I went shopping in Las Ramblas and later to watch the fountain and light show at Montjuic! We enjoyed listening to street performers and admiring the energy of the city.


I went to the beach with my friend Abby on Sunday to sit in the sunshine and enjoy the waves. I love how easily accessible the beach is here, further proving my point that Barcelona is the best city to study in. One thing that I won’t miss is vendors constantly coming up to you trying to sell beer, water, wine, and even foot massages.

That week, there were some ups and downs of my abroad experience. The positive event was that I got a haircut from a woman who only spoke Spanish, and I was able to talk with her the entire time and clearly communicate which type of cut I wanted. I felt very accomplished and proud of my Spanish language skills so far!

Unfortunately, that week my wallet was stolen. I was riding a very crowded metro home from school with friends, and a man bumped into me. I didn’t even realize he had somehow opened my purse and taken the wallet out until I was already home. It just shows how skilled the pickpockets are and that you always have to be on guard. It was really stressful and frustrating, but in the end I didn’t let it bring my abroad experience down. There will always be challenges, and I wanted to face this one with resilience. Even though it was very unlucky, it’s helped me see how I’ve grown and matured since being here.

And now, I’m halfway through the abroad semester!! I cannot believe it. I feel much more settled it with a good group of friends now. I know how to travel and figure out ambiguous situations. It feels like yesterday that I was getting lost every time I left the house.

Now, hearing English is weird and I forget some English words sometimes when I’m talking to friends. It’s a weird phenomenon. But my Spanish has improved so much and I’m not nervous to speak anymore.

I already feel so much more confident in my navigational abilities and critical thinking skills. I take charge when traveling with a group to make sure we’re going the right direction and am not afraid to speak up. Sometimes I’m wrong when navigating, but that doesn’t deter me.

From the past few weeks of traveling, I’ve realized I’m doing so many things I could not imagine myself doing a year ago. Booking flights, navigating a city, and constantly making decisions. I also have really pushed myself out of my comfort zone by deciding to study abroad. Sometimes it’s difficult (like when you get your wallet stolen), but it’s always worth it. While I do miss home, studying in Barcelona and traveling Europe is by far the coolest thing I have ever done.






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